
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Favorite Baby Boy Ever... (for 4 more months...)

Last week was Spring Break in Texas so I took I much needed trip back home to good ole Iderho.  It was great to be home especially because Linds, Taylor, Gavin, Gma, & Papa Logsdon all made it to Boise as well.  Gavin, as always, was the star of the show.  

Unfortunately Gavin forgot all his clothes for the plane ride. (Babies can be so forgetful sometimes!)  So he got to try on some of Baby T's clothes to hold him over.  Our favorite is this Polo outfit.  Oh man, cutest thing ever!

Grandma & Mama are getting him all dressed.

But Gavin is hyper aware of cameras and video cameras.  He is the ultimate poser.

He is way into the open mouth stare:

And he has recently discovered his tongue as well.

Again, distracted by the camera.  Or is it his favorite aunt and cousin fetus behind the camera?

Gavin is also becoming very mobile very quickly.

He has mastered the army crawl and occasionally ventures into actual crawling.

He moves so darn fast that my camera wouldn't focus and take a picture quite fast enough.

Luckily he's easily distracted...

What a winner.

Look at him and his cute mama!

While I was definitely a picture slacker over my trip, I did manage these pictures of Gavin as well as a few of the newest members of the Peterson clan.  Those will be coming soon...


Kate & Drew's Great Adventure! said...

KELS! Gavin is so cute, his big eye balls and full lips! Can't wait to see your little boy :)

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