Well, our mailbox is not full yet but it will be soon.
What will it be full of? A tote bag, A coupon for free Pita chips, Tampax Pearl, and a few other unknown items.
How much did we pay for all this? Nothing... amazing, I know, a free tote bag and tampons.
How did we get such amazing free things? Five words: Grant's amazing online shopping skills.
If you have paid full price for anything, then you are certainly not Grant or Kelsey Tanner. Also, if you would like to get small, random objects for free in the mail, just ask Grant, he can point you in the right direction (or several right directions). Yes... it's our hobby to be frugal and we enjoy it, darn it!

Hey Grantina, remember when we sent free tampons to your apartment?...classic.
HAHA Grantina! So funny!
Hey guys, thats awesome! I've been getting stuff for free for the past year, and it is super fun! I get free diapers, tampons, and tons of coupons! Walmart's is the easiest one and most credible. Which websites do you use?
dealnews.com; http://www.fatwallet.com/top-deals/; http://www.cheapcheapcheap.com/category/Freebies
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