Yesterday and Monday I had my end of the year shows for my company, "Expansion." I had so many supporters there and it felt good to show everyone what we've been working on for so long. It was a bittersweet moment for me and the other four girls I dance with. Most of us have danced together for two years (some for more) and after this we're all going separate ways. I have grown SO much dancing on this company not to mention the wonderful friends I have made and opportunities I have had. It will be hard to find a venue like this no matter where Grant and I go.

Marge and John came as well as Grant who brought me the most beautiful red roses!

Linds came and brought Taylor. What a good, supportive fiance he is!

Chelsea came too! She was on O2 with us last year.

Bailee and me-- she keeps me sane :)

The whole company: Bailee, me, Nacole, Bayli, and Kaitlyn. What a wonderful year and show!