We've been up to a lot in the last month! Both of Grant's parents came to visit, we went to Boise for a weekend, Grant got a new job, we went to the Draper temple open house, we had a painting party at my aunt Gina's, I went to a dance workshop, Grant whooped our Bishop in raquetball, I had a freshman hall reunion, and I wrote WAY too many papers. However, we don't have pictures of any of these things... (though I suppose writing papers is not worthy of pictures anyway).
However we do have a few pictures of other things that have happened so here they are:

Hermana Malena came to visit! She is a lady from Grant's mission and was in the States visiting her kids. Luckily she drove up from Vegas for a day to see us.

They went to go visit Elder Wood as well. I didn't attend this little trip because I had no idea what anyone was saying... Hermana Malena didn't speak English...

We went to visit Gina and brand new Bridgette in the hospital! She was a perfect little baby, complete with bird legs and skinny little fingers!

She was just over 6 pounds, a tiny little thing! Holding a perfect little baby made me realize just how important (and therefore a bit frightening :)) parenting will be.

We've been spending a lot of time with our friends, the Garners and the Nebekers lately. This is a picture of the men after their "Saltine Challenge." Zach is moving to Boise soon and the rest of us will be leaving the Nebekers behind at semester so we've gotta get in all the fun we can!
Coming soon: Tanner Ceramics!!