Grant also started an internship on Monday. However, he was informed Tuesday that they only budgeted him to work 8 hours a week instead of the 8 hours a DAY we were originally told.... (I was NOT very happy about that). So Grant has been on the job hunt which is quite interesting. Needless to say, not many people want to hire someone with the economic scare, especially someone who will only be around a few months.
We've also gotten to go skiing lately so that has been great!! Last weekend my whole family was in town so we went skiing up at Brighton. It has been quite some time since all the Peterson's have been up on the slopes together and the first time in Utah! Everyone did great-- Dad & Grant braved some scary double-blacks and Robbie and I attempted a few incredibly difficult runs on our own. Of course, I had a few good tumbles, including one that involved sliding about 20 feet down the mountain not knowing which direction was up... I'm a work in progress...
Today we went up to Snowbird (we bought passes for 10 days there this season) and the snow was GREAT! It was a beautiful day all except for one run when we took the tram up to the top of the mountain. The wind was blowing SO hard-- you could barely see a person in front of you with the blowing snow and when we finally got off the top we had big wind burn lines on our faces. However, I did about 6 black diamonds and I was quite proud. I think I only lost a ski twice and always knew which direction was up :) However, we did have one incident where I couldn't get my ski on for 20 minutes or so because the binding moved when my ski popped off... I don't seem to be the luckiest... But you can't deny that I'm pretty daring! Or was that reckless? hmmm Maybe next time to be lucky I should deck out with these...