We had a fun Halloween holiday! We went to a little party with some people in our ward (the BYU 1st ward-- yes, there actually is a 1st ward!), and then hung out with our friends downstairs, the Pellegrino's. Grant was a clown again, but this time a little less scary. I was... an African princess... I think. We carved this cat pumpkina nd also put together our 'princess pumpkin head.' Unfortunately, she got pretty gross and moldy as the picture shows so we dismantled her. Anyways, it was fun time and now we're ready for the next holiday... and the next holiday...

Then last weekend Rob and my dad came into town as well as Rob's friend Alex (the infamous Ute fan). We went to the BYU game which was fun because Grant and I haven't been to any this season yet. The Cougs kicked trash and we got a little sunburnt. That night we went to the BYU Hockey game and they kicked trash as well! We had a lot of fun with the family and now we're excited for Thanksgiving and some Sun Valley skiing!!